Development of a Players Play book and Create a Profile Portal Hockey Coaching

Project scope
Graphic design Training & development Copy writing Translation Website developmentSkills
microsoft excel teachingFrom his experience, he noticed that little strong documentation in sports teaching is present. This present project is divided into 2 parts: hockey and timing
1— Hockey level:
From the notebooks and documents in place. It would be
—Update and collate this data and create a hockey player development playbook
—Update and collect this data and create a placement book in American Prep Schools
—With the help of a computer programmer, to create a portal, managed by Dany Faucher, which will create a private and confidential profile per player and which will allow Dany to track the placement of individual players over time, but also exchange individually and easily with them
Also, having an Alumni access and where the Alumni could enter manually, by adding multiple Excel and thus create a directory to keep in touch and that young players can contact to know their feedbacks about their experience
At the end, I will like to have those books with an official copyright seal and being able to sold them. Students can contribute to this for as much as they are able in the allotted internship hours.
It will be possible for me to be in contact with the students on a daily basis in order to answer all their questions or otherwise direct them to my colleagues. Having over 31 years of experience in the workplace and in sports at many levels, I have developed a very interesting network of contacts that can be made available to you.
About the company
I am a leader who likes to motivate and stimulate the people I work with. That’s why my skills in recruitment
have allowed me to create winning teams. The quality of my recruitment skills has also allowed me to contribute
to the success of players such as: Yanni Gourde (Seattle NHL); Kevin Roy (Anaheim, NHL), Félix Robert
(Syracuse, AHL) to name a few. My fame has been built over time with young people and parents I had the
honor of meeting and for whom I advise on a player placement has become essential. Recruitment is critical to
the success of a hockey program.