Humanity Helping Hands
Humanity Helping Hands
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A non-profit organization dedicated to helping others, Humanity Helpings Hands (HHH) is situated in Toronto, Canada. It is a volunteer-based NFP with a registered status. The overarching goal is to reduce poverty and improve educational services for those who need them the most by fostering a stronger sense of humanity and encouraging charitable work in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

Company website
Community engagement Social work Fundraising Event planning Social justice
Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

Recent projects

Fundraising Plan

Our organization is committed to serving our target population. However, we are currently facing funding challenges. We would like to collaborate with students to develop a fundraising plan to meet our goals. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our mission, values and goals. Familiarizing themselves with our past fundraising activities and donors. Conducting background research on fundraising strategies. Recommending suitable fundraising strategies and creating a timeline / calendar of these activities. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Assisting in implementing new fundraising activities. Assisting in volunteering or finding volunteers for fundraising activities.

Admin Humanity Helping Hands
Matches 0
Category Fundraising + 2

Create Graphic Design Assets

Our company has only one design asset because we are a new company, and although we enjoy and like this branding we are looking to revamp and update our brand logo and make more assets. This may involve: Creating a branding guide that is new, but still aligned with our existing brand logo including fonts, colors, logo usage and imagery to be used. Meeting with company to evaluate the choices made for the branding book to ensure it is aligned with company branding goals, and making any necessary revisions. Designing and presenting thumbnails for design assets (banner ad, illustration, infographic, etc) based on the branding guide to be included in a proposal and presented to the project manager. Executing the full designs for each branding asset using Canva, based on the approved and current logo. Creating multiple thumbnails with different color schemes based on the colors in the branding guide. Create a few sample posts for the company to use as buffers/ Instagram posts.

Admin Humanity Helping Hands
Matches 0
Category Graphic design + 3

Non-Profit Grant Writing

Our organization -Humanity Helping Hands (HHH) is interested in addressing societal issues and supporting social causes. However, we are currently facing funding challenges. We would like to collaborate with students to find and complete grant applications/proposals This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our vision statement and a project we have defined. Developing a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and funding and what we stand for. Identifying potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project including potential unofficial deals. Improving the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Identifying new opportunities for community projects for Humanity Helping Hands

Admin Humanity Helping Hands
Matches 0
Category Community engagement + 2

Website Development

We would like a new website for our organization. We would like to work with students to develop a new website for us. Students should be prepared to: Conduct a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable and price-efficient for our non-for-profit organization. Create a design proposal including wireframes or low-fidelity mockups for our company's review. Build a fully-functioning website, with our assistance in providing content and information for our non-for-profit services. Provide training on updating and maintaining the site as well as privacy protection. Be prepared to explain the changes made and the provide recommendations on future improvements

Admin Humanity Helping Hands
Matches 1
Category Website development

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