Annie Storey
Executive Director
Jessica Hirshorn
She / Her
Teaching Professor
October 24, 2024
Project feedback
This was the second time that I had worked with ISAWWA. They responded promptly to me and my students and provided quality feedback. I would recommend them to others.

Managing Team & Workgroup Diversity Fall 2024
Arizona State University (ASU)

Association Diversity and Inclusion Training
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association

Dr. Chris Fichera
Assistant Professor, DBA, A-CSM
June 20, 2022
Project feedback
It was a pleasure to work with Annie and provide information to help with the ISAWWA organizational restructure. I hope the information our newest MBAs put together is helpful to the restructuring of the organization.

MBA 5910 MBA Capstone Experience
Capella University

Organization Restructure
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association
Jessica Hirshorn
She / Her
Teaching Professor
October 11, 2021
Project feedback
ISAWWA was the fourth organization that I have worked with through Riipen and I must admit that I was about to give up. Luckily, ISAWWA and Annie were wonderful and were good partners. They reviewed my students' work and provided in-depth and timely feedback. I was very pleased with ISAWWA and with Annie. Thank you for being so conscientious! I hope that ISAWWA and its members enjoy the training. I will send ISAWWA an email with the links to it tomorrow. I have to work with EdApp to set up a course specifically for them. Best Wishes, Jessica

Managing Team & Workgroup Diversity Fall 2023
Arizona State University (ASU)

Association Diversity and Inclusion Training
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association
Leanna Deleon
July 9, 2021
Project feedback
This was a great learning experience to work as a team to apply concepts learned in class and incorporate it into Illinois Section of American Water Works Association’s best practices. I enjoyed working with this company and learning about them!

Labor and Employee Relations
University of California, Riverside Extension

Internal Communication Best Practices
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association

Brenda Bradley
June 16, 2021
Project feedback
It was an absolute honor to work with the Illinois Section of the American Water Waters Association. The Executive Director, Annie Storey, is an innovative leader, open to new ideas. I felt like it was truly a collaboration, my thoughts and ideas were valued. We met weekly and brainstormed different ideas to figure out the best course of action moving forward. Annie set clear expectations and was always respectful. This was a fun experience that I would recommend to anyone looking to add value to another organization and put competencies into action.

Human Resources Management Capstone
Capella University

Organization Restructure
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association

Robert W Bigelow
Academic Program Director- MSHRM, MBA, BS BUS
June 16, 2021
Project feedback
My student worked with the Executive Director, Annie Storey and she was wonderful. She held weekly meetings with the student and provided clear direction and specific objectives. It was a terrific place to apply theory to the practical. Highly recommended!

Human Resources Management Capstone
Capella University

Organization Restructure
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association

Dr. Nidhi Shah
Adjunct Business Faculty
June 11, 2021
Project feedback
Thank you Annie for your support, commitment, and feedback to the students. This was an excellent learning experience for all the 27 students of UCR. I enjoyed working on this with the students and want to express my gratitude to you for giving us this opportunity to do this project. Thank you on behalf of UCR. I will share this superb experience with others.

Labor and Employee Relations
University of California, Riverside Extension

Internal Communication Best Practices
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association
Nick Boyce
June 10, 2021
Project feedback
This was a great project that provided a great learning experience. I enjoyed working with the group to provide knowledge and recommendations to Illinois Section of American Water Works Association.

Labor and Employee Relations
University of California, Riverside Extension

Internal Communication Best Practices
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association
Lauren Jackson
June 9, 2021
Project feedback
I really enjoyed working with this company. It was a great experience.

Labor and Employee Relations
University of California, Riverside Extension

Internal Communication Best Practices
Illinois Section of American Water Works Association