Strategy: Employment Site for Canadians with Disabilities
As a non-profit organization, we have had previous success with a fee-for-service job posting website geared towards people with disabilities. In the early 2000's, this website had much success and continues to generate a small profit (as employers do have to pay a fee in order to post a position but it is free for jobseekers to use); however, as an organization we are unsure what to do with the site (whether to build it up, discontinue it, or continue as-is). We would like students to evaluate the site and resulting options and provide their recommendations to us, moving forward. Depending which option is selected, we would like to know what might be required (both financially and time commitments). The site is: https://www.workink.com/

Establishing a process for exit interviews
We would like students to come up with actionable suggestions for successfully conducting exit interviews with staff who leave. This should exclude staff going into maternity leave or retirement, and focus on staff who choose to accept a different employment option. We envision this project to include, but not be limited to: Examining our current processes around exit interviews. Establishing the procedure, protocols and actual questions we should use for conducting exit interviews. The results from this project will help our upper management team streamline the process as well as begin collecting and analyzing data from these interviews.

Hiring Consultancy
In the past, we have had challenges hiring and retaining top-quality talent. We would like to develop a system to effectively build our workforce. Working with students, we want to overhaul our hiring practices and implement structures best practices. Students should be prepared to: Evaluate our current recruitment and selection procedures. Develop hiring systems and processes, based on best practices and our organizational needs. Consider the use of psychometric tests, assessment exercises, and standardized interview practices. Present a revised hiring methodology for our organization to adopt, with references

Streamline our Job Posting efforts
We are looking for HR minded students to help streamline our job descriptions across our project sites. Students would collect the job descriptions, analyze them and create a template for the description and posting format as well as do some research on other similar roles and what they included in their descriptions/postings. We have current job descriptions that are currently used for different projects across different locations, but are looking to consolidate and simplify the job posting process. We're looking to have students analyze them, provide any feedback on KSA's and evidently, create a universal template. This template would ideally be based of our current offerings, and other things we can include based on research on similar roles. Furthermore, we would want to highlight our unique workplace culture and values within the postings to additionally attract candidates to CCRW. To accomplish this, we believe you should focus on: Reviewing our current job postings Consolidate the job postings into 4-6 various templates Recommend additional information that should be included within the postings that highlights CCRW's values and workplace culture Provide recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of how we advertise and market job vacancies themselves. You will be provided access to a member of our leadership team, who will provide job postings and information as necessary. We hope to improve our current job posting process by exciting our new employees and helping them be more successful. We also want to make our job posting experience more aligned with industry best practices.

Working Remotely and Health & Wellness Guidelines
The Challenge 1) Working from Home: Approximately one third of CCRW staff have identified as having some form of disability. CCRW aims to be accommodating and understanding; however and without a formal HR department in place, it has been difficult implementing procedures, policies and standards around working from home in an organized and systemic fashion across all of CCRW’s programs. Although working remotely is technologically possible, we as an organization are unsure whether this option should be provided to all staff across the organization. We are seeking a set of guidelines that address working from home including the parameters, conditions, and IT requirements as well as consequences if the guidelines are not properly followed. Furthermore, we would like to understand what IT practices we can put in place to increase the efficiency of working remotely, especially when staff are based in different time zones. 2) Health & Wellness: As a non-profit organization focused on helping people with disabilities in their search for employment, we are equally focused on promoting the health and well-being of our staff both within and outside of the workplace. With an annual budget of $250/staff, we would like to understand what kind of initiatives we should put in place to promote health (including mental and physical health) and wellness in the workplace that will also lead to organizational benefits (such as increased staff morale, reduced turnover, and higher productivity). For additional project information, Jaclyn Krane, Manager of Special Projects can be reached via email at jkrane@ccrw.org We are looking for concrete guidleines and initiatives that can be implemented immediately without any further review needed.

Needs-analysis for organizational training and development
Located in Toronto; easily accessible by transit; not for profit organization with a strong mission, values and vision; we may be able to hire a student in the summer to complete this task; we are very friendly people; we are accessible and welcoming of diverse backgrounds; lots of opportunity for learning, growth and future employment; national organization with programs across Canada. Upon learning of Riipen, we are very supportive of this endeavour. The current entity of CCRW was created by applying for and receiving funding to run specific programs. The programs have taken a life of their own. We need the organization to streamline in a cohesive way and then ensure that our staff training and professional development opportunities are similarly streamlined across the country. Our overall goal is to implement and streamline training opportunities across our 20 project sites to reduce frontline staff turnover. We are looking to receive a summary for each CCRW project site of what (if any) training gaps exist and how these gaps may relate to frontline staff turnover. We are also seeking specific training opportunities that each CCRW site can implement as a low-cost option to ensure staff are receiving appropriate training to further enhance their professional development and overall passion for working for CCRW. All proprietary company information remains confidential at all times.

Health and Safety
This project involves developing checklists and identify gaps/opportunities specific to each CCRW site location in Ontario. Province based checklists will be developed as well as a quick synopsis of what the health and safety requirements are for Ontario. 1) Confirm what the health and safety requirements are specific to our Ontario locations 2) Develop an easy-to-use checklist that can be completed by each site's Coordinator and sent to Head Office for review and follow up. 3) Identify training opportunities specific to our Ontario locations.

Industry Research Project
Located in Toronto; easily accessible by transit; not for profit organization with a strong mission, values and vision; we may be able to hire a student in the summer to complete this task; we are very friendly people; we are accessible and welcoming of diverse backgrounds; lots of opportunity for learning, growth and future employment; national organization with programs across Canada. Upon learning of Riipen, we are very supportive of this endeavour. The current entity of CCRW was created by applying for and receiving funding to run specific programs. The programs have taken a life of their own and have been branded individually. We need the organization to streamline in a cohesive way and then market accordingly. Cohesive marketing plan that can be utilized on a site and program specific basis that represents the program by showcasing the organization. We want to design promotional items that display our logo and branding/mission, etc. Easy to use marketing tools for program managers that are timeless and innovative and user friendly (able to be modified easily) Receive up to three short student reports and video presentations with actionable recommendations, based on industry best practices. All proprietary company information remains confidential at all times.

Needs-analysis for organizational training and development
Located in Toronto; easily accessible by transit; not for profit organization with a strong mission, values and vision; we may be able to hire a student in the summer to complete this task; we are very friendly people; we are accessible and welcoming of diverse backgrounds; lots of opportunity for learning, growth and future employment; national organization with programs across Canada. Upon learning of Riipen, we are very supportive of this endeavour. The current entity of CCRW was created by applying for and receiving funding to run specific programs. The programs have taken a life of their own. We need the organization to streamline in a cohesive way and then ensure that our staff training and professional development opportunities are similarly streamlined across the country. Our overall goal is to implement and streamline training opportunities across our 20 project sites to reduce frontline staff turnover. We are looking to receive a summary for each CCRW project site of what (if any) training gaps exist and how these gaps may relate to frontline staff turnover. We are also seeking specific training opportunities that each CCRW site can implement as a low-cost option to ensure staff are receiving appropriate training to further enhance their professional development and overall passion for working for CCRW. All proprietary company information remains confidential at all times.