Marketing New Products for a Consumer Brand
MKT 101
In an increasingly competitive consumer marketplace, decisions around adding new products and services are more important to a company’s success than ever. Students in the Marketing program at McMaster University’s Centre for Continuing Education will research and prepare a report for your company that recommends a new product or service and/or plans its launch.

Marketing New Products for a Consumer Brand
MKT 101
In an increasingly competitive consumer marketplace, decisions around adding new products and services are more important to a company’s success than ever. Students in the Marketing program at McMaster University’s Centre for Continuing Education will research and prepare a report for your company that recommends a new product or service and/or plans its launch.

Marketing New Products for a Consumer Brand
MKT 101
In an increasingly competitive consumer marketplace, decisions around adding new products and services are more important to a company’s success than ever. Students in the Marketing program at McMaster University’s Centre for Continuing Education will research and prepare a report for your company that recommends a new product or service and/or plans its launch.